Rereading My Childhood – A Year With the BSC #10: Why Would You Do That?

A Year With the BSC is an informal series wherein I explore the 1990’s CD-ROM video game The Baby-sitters Club Friendship Kit. The game is more of a personal organizer; it features with a calendar, an address book, a stationary kit, a flyer maker, and a personality profile. I’m focusing on the more interesting aspect of the game: the personalized letters and the journal entries. The full list of entries can be found at

This week is a short one, starting with the return of Abby and Mallory from Sea City.


I  have not won a prize. Also, why am I not surprised that Claire would enjoy skinny dipping? The most annoying Pike would enjoy calling attention to herself in the most inappropriate way.

Mallory chimes in, spilling the beans on Abby’s great babysitting.


Abby, honey, why did you think it was a good idea to give a foot long hot dog to a six-year-old? What good could come of it? How did you become a babysitter? Kristy, is there some kind of screening process?

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